Friday, February 17, 2012

Double Whammy

Yesterday was rough. After waking up with a migraine and dealing with that most of the day, I was finally able to get some relief and cook a simple dinner for my family, catch up on laundry and even visit the local pharmacy for eyeliner and hair dye.  After the kids went to bed, Hubby and I had a good talk about how I've been feeling. He's really trying to understand the funk I've been in, emotionally, lately.  He doesn't quite get it, but I love him for trying. After all that, I was feeling pretty good. Hubby went to bed, and I retreated to the living room for some quiet "me-time." Then, the bees! An aura. First, flashing red lights (the bees), changing into zig-zagging wavy lines, pulsating, changing colors, then a loss of peripheral vision in right eye. This lasted only a few minutes. But, then, came the migraine. A searing, intense pain. I spent the rest of the night and wee hours of the morning on the living room couch suffering this migraine. I was finally able to sleep about four o'clock this morning.

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